"پنجشنبه","Saturday" => "شنبه","Sunday" => "يكشنبه","Monday" => "دوشنبه","Tuesday" => "سه شنبه","Wednesday" => "چهارشنبه","Friday" => "جمعه"); $month = Array("فروردين","ارديبهشت","خرداد","تير","مرداد","شهريور","مهر","آبان","آذر","دي","بهمن","اسفند"); list( $gyear, $gmonth, $gday ) = preg_split ( '/-/', '2003-10-12' ); list( $jyear, $jmonth, $jday ) = gregorian_to_jalali($gyear, $gmonth, $gday); echo "
" . $week["Sunday"] . " ". $jday . " " . $month[--$jmonth] . " " . $jyear . "
" ?>

دومين سمپوزيوم بين المللي سيد شاه نعمت الله ولي

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تبليغات خبرنامه گويا


For more information: 1. www.icchome.org, is the main web site and contains all the information and events about Nematollah's Path, 2. www.quintessencesufi.com, contains information about different sufi paths and also the different events, and 3. www.allsufi.com, in addition to the above sites, has the live broadcast of the symposium. So, everyone who is interested in the symposium, can log in to this site and follow the symposium.

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